Over Two Decades Of Prosecutorial And Judicial Experience For Your Criminal Defense

Protecting You From The Devastating Effects Of A Sex Offense Accusation

When you are accused of a sex crime in Harris County or anywhere in Texas, the consequences can have a more lasting impact on you and your family. Just the mere allegation of a sex offense can ruin your reputation, your standing in the community and your relationship with your family and loved ones. Allegations of sexual assault, even sexual assault of a child, can arise from false accusations or from situations where the accuser has a very high motive to lie or could have been manipulated into telling a falsehood against you, including in divorce and custody disputes.

A conviction or even a plea deal for charges such as sexual assault, child sex abuse, possession of child pornography or any sex offense can result in lengthy prison sentences and a requirement of lifetime registration as a sex offender. Defenses or other mitigating factors may be available to help you avoid a conviction for the charges against you.

Yet sex offenses can be the most defensible cases. If you have been charged with a sex offense or are under investigation for a sex offense, contact your experienced criminal defense lawyer, Jason Luong. As a former felony judge and former prosecutor, Jason has experience prosecuting sex offenses, defending people charged with sex offenses and presiding over jury trials for people charged with sex offenses. He has extensive, successful experience handling these cases from start to finish and from all angles.

Jason Luong Will Fight To Protect Your Reputation And Freedom

Jason Luong knows how the evidence against you will be viewed by the prosecutor and by the jury. Jason knows that witnesses in sex assault cases often have motives to lie or are manipulated into making false accusations. He has seen the mistakes that the police and prosecutors make in collecting the evidence that can benefit your case. He knows what evidence can get into a trial and what evidence must be excluded at trial.

Jason Luong is imminently qualified to handle the full spectrum of sex crimes under Texas and federal law, including:

  • Solicitation of prostitution or promotion of prostitution
  • Prostitution
  • Sexual assault and aggravated sexual assault
  • Sexual assault and aggravated sexual assault of a child
  • Indecency with a child
  • Solicitation of a child
  • Possession of child pornography
  • Indecent exposure
  • Sex offender registration and failures to comply with sex offender registration requirements

Attorney Jason Luong will use his years of experience as a former prosecutor, former felony district court judge and experienced criminal defense attorney to provide you with the most favorable defense.

Sex Offence Defense Experience You Can Trust

If you are accused of a sex crime in Harris County or anywhere in Texas, the police will likely ask to “hear your side of the story.” Believing that it is a chance to clear their name, people facing such charges naturally want to tell the police why they are innocent. In most instances, the police have already decided to charge you, and the interview is solely to gather evidence against you.

This is why it is critical to have an experienced criminal attorney like Jason Luong by your side even before charges are filed. Jason has represented people at the pre-charge investigation stage of a sex offense and successfully prevented charges from being filed, had such charges No Billed by a grand jury or charges dismissed by the prosecutor. Experienced former prosecutor and former judge Jason Luong knows how to successfully defend people charged with sex offenses.

If you are accused of a sex offense in Harris County, Fort Bend County, Montgomery County, Galveston County or anywhere in Texas, you should immediately refuse to discuss your case with law enforcement or the prosecutor until you contact former prosecutor and former judge Jason Luong.

Understanding The Special Laws Governing Sex Offenders

In Texas, there are numerous special laws that apply to different sex offense cases. It is vital that you work with an attorney who understands these laws and how they may impact your case.

In Texas, some of these varying laws include:

  • Child sex abuse cases are statutorily prioritized to go to trial before other cases, which could affect how quickly your case goes to trial.
  • Certain outcries of sexual abuse that would normally be inadmissible are admissible in child sex abuse cases.
  • Certain convictions for sexual abuse result in a minimum 25-year prison sentence without parole.
  • A judge cannot early terminate or shorten the length of deferred adjudication or probation after it has been set.

At The Law Office of Jason Luong, PLLC, attorney Luong understands how these factors affect your defense and the outcome of your case.

Sex Offender Registration Violations

Texas enforces stringent registration mandates for sex offenders, necessitating annual updates and immediate re-registration following any change in address. Noncompliance with these regulations is considered a felony offense and may lead to imprisonment and other serious penalties.

If you are facing sexual assault charges in Houston or anywhere in Texas, securing a knowledgeable criminal defense attorney is crucial. Being convicted of sexual assault carries severe repercussions, such as imprisonment, mandatory sex offender registration, substantial fines and potential damage to both your professional and personal life.

Contact The Law Office of Jason Luong, PLLC, For A Free Consultation

The Law Office of Jason Luong, PLLC, offers an absolutely confidential consultation so that you can protect your rights and discuss your options. Contact former prosecutor and former judge Jason Luong at 281-400-1605 or fill out an online contact form to learn how he can help.